Friday, June 20, 2014

New Mom Status! 4 months down

To keep my sanity I am starting a new blog to let everyone know you are not alone in your craziness!
I just had a baby girl 4 months ago and let me tell you it FLYs by!!

From the hospital: 
To her first smiles, laughs and babbles
To finally sleeping through the night!! And Snuggles with that precious bunny
To finally eating real food for the first time (Just yesterday)!
Which she LOVED!

She is just getting too dang big! Here I will share my experiences with being a new mom - 1st time good and bads and take it or leave it :) Trial and Error is just part of trying something new... That applies to kids too right? ;)  This is just the experiences from our fun times as a new family!

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