Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Invasion of the Baby Food!

I love each and every new step that comes along with having a little one! It's been fun to learn and grow with her and see how much she has changed just in the 6 months she has been here! Yes, this week she will be 6 months ALREADY!! It has just gone by SOOO Fast! 

 She has been interested in food for about a month now, when I am eating she tries to grab my food - or she opens her mouth when I am taking a bite as if I was going to put my bite in her mouth. She's silly :) 

And Since our little bug is so little the DR said we should start solids, so we introduced early. 
She absolutely LOVES everything I have fed her so far (pears, carrots, apples, butternut squash, bananas, green beans, snap peas, and sweet potatoes). 

We started with Pears.. I know, I know the myth is to not introduce sweet stuff first because then they wont eat their Veggies.... NOT the case from my experience! We started with Pears because she was constipated for a day and a half and it freaked me out so we started with Pears (natural Laxative). 

We introduced a few others, alternating fruits and veggies (1 each week) and she loved each and every one! I figured once I hit green beans it would be her stopping point - but she liked them too and ate them all up! She is just ready for food - which is probably the reason I have had no problems with anything I have fed her so far. 

However my pantry seems to be invaded my these little tiny glass bottles! Dont drop them, they do break and make quite a mess! As you can see I use Beachnut simply because you can look at the ingredients and whats on the front are the only ingredients on the back.

Her absolute Favorites: Banannas and Butternut Squash! We introduced Butternut Squash this week and she ate the WHOLE JAR! Which is a lot for that little tummy, but she kept grumping at me for more until they were all gone! Not gonna lie, I tasted them and they were pretty good - I think I could eat a whole jar too! 
I think she gets this look from BJ ;) 
Also, in the last couple weeks she has learned to stay sitting up by herself:

She LOVES this, before she would just sit in a constant crunch state (she has pretty solid baby abs)

Signing off,
Happy Momma of a growing too FAST baby :)